Heartland resource center
Get the latest payments, point of sale and payroll industry tips and trends to help start, run and grow a remarkable business.
ACH Fraud detection and prevention
Does a small company that operates as a sole proprietorship need an employer identification number (EIN)?
5 ways a POS system can improve your small business
How credit card processing works
How address verification services (AVS) make credit card transactions more secure
How do you distinguish between a business and a hobby?
What should be kept in an Employee File and who should have access to it?
What does retro pay mean?
What is an integrated payment system?
What does workplace efficiency look like?
What to look for in a jewelry store POS system
How Product Empathy Drives Increased Revenue
It shouldn’t be surprising to hear that point of sale is becoming more entrenched in restaurant operations. The impacts of digital acceleration extend to many industries including food service. When meeting market demand, timing is crucial and can make a difference in determining those who thrive or wither in today’s economy.